フラジャイル博覧会|Thoughts About Pots

Thoughts About Pots

場所:FRAGILE BOOKS|オンライン展示室を見る


12月のフラジャイル博覧会は、紙の衣服と手製本をつくるアメリカ人アーティストのエリカ・ラスムッセンの新作「Thoughts About Pots」を特集します。


Artist's Message

『Thoughts About Pots』は、亡き義父ウォーレン・マッケンジーの言葉を集めたアートブックシリーズです。ウォーレンは 2018年に94歳で亡くなりました。義妹と私が家と陶器を掃除していたときに、粘土で覆われたウォーレンのオーバーオールを見つけました。けっして手放すことはできませんでした。あれから5年が経ち、この春、ついに勇気を出してそれらを切り刻み、繊維と粘土を紙の中に漉き込みました。ウォーレンの言葉をタイピングするたびに、私は彼を身近に感じるのです。


Thoughts About Pots is an artist’s book series that features quotes by my late stepfather, Warren MacKenzie. Warren died in 2018 at the age of 94. When my stepsister and I were cleaning out the house and pottery, I came across Warren’s clay covered overalls. See the image attached.  I couldn’t bear to part with them.  Just this spring, I finally worked up the courage to cut them up and put the fibers and clay into my paper.  Every time I type a Warren quote, I feel closer to him.

Erica Rasmussen


Erica Rasmussen



Erica Spitzer Rasmussen is an artist who creates handmade paper garments and small editions of hand-bound books.  She received her BFA and MFA at the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis), which included coursework in Mexico and Greece.  Her current work explores family stories and issues of identity. Rasmussen is a recipient of an Artist’s Assistance Fellowship (1999) and two Artist’s Initiative Grants (2015/2018) from the Minnesota State Arts Board.  She was awarded the Minnesota Book Artist Award in 2018. Other professional highlights include a papermaking residency in Vienna, Austria (2010), a solo exhibition in Mexico City, Mexico (2012) and bookbinding residencies in Venice, Italy (2016/2018/2022). Her work has been featured in such publications as FiberArts magazine, Surface Design Journal, American Craft magazine, Hand Papermaking magazine and the Huffington Post.  Rasmussen teaches studio arts as a full professor at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota (USA).  Her artwork is exhibited and collected internationally.
